I'm Out - short films about knife crime

I’m Out is a bold series of three short films on the impact knife crime has on the people involved and those close to them.

Made by young people, for young people, I’m Out aims to address the issue of youth violence which is making headlines across London.

Communities are losing family and friends, and young people are being enticed into gangs and criminal activity with the dangerous promise of quick and easy money. As the films show, the consequences are brutal.

I’m Out puts the power into the hands of those most affected by knife crime – young people – and shows there are other routes out there. Young people are taking a stand.

The stars of the films include Akins Subair (Leon), Sapphira Plessard (Keisha), Monay Thomas (Sam) and Ronni Winter (Shannon). Supporting roles are played by Haringey Sixth Form College students who also took on jobs with Casual Films behind the scenes.

Watch the films

You can watch the 3 films below:

Leon's story

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Keisha's story

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Sam's story

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Special thanks to:

  • Haringey Sixth Form College
  • Casual Films
  • Haringey Film Office
  • Young people who took part in focus groups
  • River Creative

Help and support available

If you are – or someone else is – in immediate danger, dial 999

National support service Fearless has a list of places you can turn to for support if you are worried by knife crime, county lines and many other issues. It also allows young people to pass on information about crime 100% anonymously.

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