Ask for a review of your antisocial behaviour case

Part of: Dealing with antisocial behaviour

If you’ve reported antisocial behaviour but the problem hasn’t been resolved, you might be able to get a review of your case by asking for an ‘ASB review’. The ASB review used to be called a ‘Community Trigger’.

Check if you can get your case reviewed

You can use the ASB review process if all the following apply:

  • you've reported antisocial behaviour 3 times in the last 6 months – either to the council, the police or a housing provider
  • no action has been taken
  • your case has been closed

If your case is still open, you’ll have to wait for the outcome before you get an ASB review. You can contact us to check the status of an existing case.

If you have a new antisocial behaviour problem, you can report it to us.

Do not ask for an ASB review if you want to make a complaint about the council – use our complaints process instead.

Ask for a review of your case

You can ask for a review by using the online ASB review form.

When you fill in the form, you’ll need to tell us about the antisocial behaviour reports you’ve made. We need to know:

  • the dates of each time you made a complaint
  • who you reported it to
  • any reference numbers
  • details about the antisocial behaviour that happened

Fill in the ASB review form

What happens after you ask for a review

We’ll check if you meet the criteria for a review and let you know our decision within 5 working days.

If we cannot review your case

We’ll write to you to tell you why and suggest other actions you can take.

If we can review your case

Your case will be reviewed by the Partnership Problem Solving Group – find out more about the Partnership Problem Solving Group.

The Partnership Problem Solving Group will review how your case has been dealt with so far and suggest other actions that should be taken. This will happen within 28 days of the decision to review your case was made.

You'll be told the outcome of the review within 5 working days of the review meeting.

If the Partnership Problem Solving Group decides that further action is needed on your case, you’ll be sent details about what will happen.

You have the right to appeal if either:

  • we decided you do not meet the criteria for a review but you disagree with this
  • you do not agree with the decisions made after a review

The chair of the Partnership Problem Solving Group will review your appeal within 15 working days of when you make it. You will not be able to appeal again after they make their decision.

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