Community Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference

Making a referral to the Community Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (CMARAC)

The Community Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (CMARAC) is a meeting where different agencies discuss complex and high-risk cases of antisocial behaviour, and make plans to manage and resolve them.

Who can make a referral to the CMARAC

The CMARAC takes referrals from:

  • any partner within the community safety partnership (for example, residential social landlords, housing)
  • mental health services
  • dedicated ward officers (MPS)
  • local authority antisocial behaviour teams
  • social services
  • third party providers (for example, charities)

Make a referral to the CMARAC

Haringey’s CMARAC meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month.  

You must make a referral 10 days before the CMARAC meeting using the MARAC referral form .

Who is on the CMARAC

The CMARAC is co-chaired by the police (chief inspector) and the council (community safety manager or lead).

The group has:

  • core members, who attend regularly
  • flexible members, who attend when appropriate

Core members

Core members include:

  • adult safeguarding
  • Haringey ASB enforcement team manager
  • Haringey community safety lead
  • Haringey housing improvement team
  • Haringey partnership policing team
  • Haringey victim support services
  • Housing-related support
  • LBH Housing – tenancy management/housing needs
  • mental health services

Flexible members

Flexible members include:

  • ASB enforcement officers
  • children’s services and safeguarding teams (MASH)
  • drug and alcohol support services
  • leaving care teams
  • legal services
  • London Ambulance Service
  • London Fire Service
  • National Health Service/primary care trust
  • National Probation Service
  • neighbourhood policing team officers
  • probation and youth justice team
  • registered social landlords/housing providers
  • tenancy managers
  • third-party agencies/charities that can provide support (for example, Thames Reach, Enable, St Giles)

What the CMARAC aims to do

The CMARC aims to identify the highest risk and most complex cases of antisocial behaviour and find solutions to them.

This may include issues such as cuckooing, hoarding, hate crime, mental health issues, neighbour disputes, repeat victims or perpetrators, and potential cases for an antisocial behaviour review.

The primary focus of the CMARAC is to:

  • safeguard individuals from crime and antisocial behaviour
  • prevent repeat victimisation
  • identify and deal with perpetrators
  • reduce re-offending.

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