Report crime, antisocial behaviour and waste

Report crime, antisocial behaviour and waste issues in and around Finsbury Park.

This page contains information on how to report crime, antisocial behaviour and waste issues in Finsbury Park and the surrounding area.

How to report crime

Crime should always be reported to the police.

Call 999 if someone is in immediate danger or you need support right away.

If you’ve witnessed or been the victim of a crime but there is no ongoing emergency, you can call 101 or report a crime online.

You can also pass information about a crime anonymously to Crimestoppers or make a report on the Met Police website.

If you have any concerns about issues in your local area, you can also contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Team.

How to report antisocial behaviour

Antisocial behaviour (ASB) describes behaviour that can affect:

  • your quality of life
  • the peaceful enjoyment of your home

It can include:

  • verbal abuse
  • harassment
  • threatening behaviour
  • drugs and alcohol misuse
  • other behaviour that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress
  • loud, continuous noise

Follow the links below for information and links to report antisocial behaviour:

How to report waste issues

The quickest and easiest way to report issues such as litter, street cleansing issues and illegally dumped waste is through the Love Clean Streets app, which is available for free for Apple and Android devices.

When you send a report through the Love Clean Streets app, it goes directly to the relevant local council who will then work to make sure that the waste is dealt with.

Alternatively, follow the links below for information on other ways to report dumped waste and litter:

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