Money and debt help

Help from our financial support team, advice on money and debt, the London Capital Credit Union, government help, maths courses, and Council Tax Reduction and Universal Credit.

Visit Money Helper for free guidance on debt, everyday money, pensions, homes, savings and more.

Visit London Capital Credit Union to find out how we work with them to offer easy ways to save and great value loan plans. 

Visit GOV.UK for information about help with savings if you’re on a low income

Maths workshops (Multiply)

A free course to help adults without a level 2 or GCSE in maths to build confidence in numbers or gain a qualification.  

Haringey Support Fund

What the Haringey Support Fund can be used for, who can apply, how to apply and what happens after you apply.

Universal Credit

If you're out of work or on a low income you may qualify for Universal Credit on GOV.UK.

Visit Debt Free Advice for advice on how to become debt free.

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