Customer Charter

Our promise to you.

We will

  • Treat you with courtesy and respect
  • Embrace, promote and value the diversity of our customers
  • Be open and honest with you
  • Always use plain language
  • Respect your right to confidentiality, privacy and safety
  • Let you know the name of the person you are dealing with
  • Make the council easy to do business with
  • Investigate and resolve your complaints and keep you informed of progress
  • Protect our staff from abuse and harassment
  • Apologise for our mistakes and seek to put things right
  • Continually improve our service to you and welcome your feedback

We will not

  • Always be able to give you what you want but we will explain to you why.

The charter is available, on request in large print, Braille, audio tape, on disk and in community languages.

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