allpay payment cards

Part of: Make a payment

allpay is an easy way to pay Council Tax, Housing Rent, Housing Benefit Overpayments or Haringey Invoices.

Payments can be made at any retail outlet displaying the PayPoint sign or at any Post Office™ near to you.

You will require:

  1. Your allpay Payment Card to make payments for Council Tax and Housing Rent. Note that Council Tax payment cards are no longer issued so this applies to only those customers who have an existing Council Tax allpay payment card.
  2. Your Council Tax or Housing Benefit Overpayment bill/letter with a barcode.
  3. Your Haringey Council Invoice with a barcode on the front to make payments for Leasehold Service Charges, Community Alarm bills, Community Care bills, Allotment Rents or Commercial Rent

Payments made today will be posted to your account overnight and will update the balance outstanding – there is no delay in the payment reaching your account.

Order a payment card

To order a payment card for housing rent, fill in the form at the link below:

Request a housing rent payment card.

PayPoint locations

Payments can be made at any retail outlet displaying the PayPoint sign. You will require your allpay Payment Card to use this service.

Search for your nearest PayPoint outlet on the allpay website.

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