Privacy statements

Our corporate privacy notice.

Corporate privacy statement

This privacy statement is a general statement for the council. We also have service specific privacy notices that are more detailed.

In this notice Haringey Council is the data controller as defined by Data Protection legislation.

Our Registration number is Z5793648.

Your data protection rights

Visit our data protection page for more information.

Why we collect and use your personal information

Haringey Council holds and processes personal information to enable us to provide a range of services to local people and businesses as required to fulfil our duties under UK legislation, statutory or contractual requirement or obligation.

This includes:

  • maintaining our own accounts and records
  • supporting and managing our employees current past and prospective employees and persons contracted to provide a service
  • promoting the services we provide
  • marketing our local tourism
  • carrying out health and public awareness campaigns
  • ensuring trading standards
  • managing our property
  • providing leisure and cultural services
  • provision of education
  • carrying out surveys
  • administering the assessment and collection of taxes and other revenue including benefits and grants
  • licensing and regulatory activities
  • provision of planning and building control
  • local and national fraud initiatives
  • the provision of social services
  • provision of housing services
  • provision of library services
  • crime prevention and prosecution of offenders including the use of CCTV
  • corporate administration and all activities we are required to carry out as a data controller and public authority
  • undertaking research
  • the provision of all commercial services including the administration and enforcement of parking regulations and restrictions
  • the provision of all non-commercial activities including refuse collections from residential properties
  • internal financial support and corporate functions
  • managing archived records for historical and research reasons
  • data matching under local and national fraud initiatives

If you fail to provide the personal data, the council may not be able to deliver accurate services to you and may take action if it is required to do so by law.

For more detailed information about the personal information that we hold and how we use it, please see our Record of Processing Activities (ROPA).

Keeping your data safe

We hold any personal information you give us - whether online via e-forms or through other means - securely and will only use it for council purposes.

We will only share your information where that is necessary to deliver the services we provide to you; unless the law requires us to share the information or where it is necessary to protect public funds or detect and prevent fraud or other criminal activity.

We will not share your information with third parties for commercial or marketing purposes.

We are committed to protecting your privacy when you use our services. We have a Data Protection Officer who makes sure we respect your rights and follow the law.

The council’s Data Protection Officer:

Concerns and questions

If you have any concerns or questions about how we look after your personal information or control how your information is used, please contact council’s Data Protection Officer.

If you wish to exercise your rights to access the information that we hold about you please see our subject access request section.

Updates to this privacy statement

We may change this notice from time to time to reflect changes in processing or security updates. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information.

Third-party hosted websites

Please note that other council websites we link to will use different cookies and will also have their own privacy and data protection statements.


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