The Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Part of: Council committees

Overview and scrutiny committees were introduced in 2000 to make sure that councillors who were not part of the executive of the council (in Haringey this is known as the Cabinet) could help influence decisions and actions that affect their communities.

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee can examine decisions the Cabinet:

  • plans to take
  • plans to implement
  • has already taken or implemented

It is made up of 5 councillors who are not Cabinet members, as well as statutory co-optees. Councillors sitting on the committee reflect the political balance of the council.

View meeting dates and agendas for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Scrutiny panels

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee is supported in its work by 4 standing scrutiny panels:

Find out more about how decisions are made and scrutinised.

Scrutiny survey 2024-26

We are currently developing the scrutiny work programme for the next 2 years.

Have your say on which policy areas you believe are most important and what you think should be prioritised to be discussed.

Complete the scrutiny survey.

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