Census 2021 – population, age and family

Part of: Haringey population data

The Census is a survey of all people and UK households and has been carried out every 10 years since 1801.

Census 2021 was held on 21 March 2021. Haringey’s response rate was 95%. Find out more at Census 2021 on GOV.UK.


Haringey population facts and figures:

  • the population has increased by 3.6%, from around 254,900 in 2011 to 264,200 in 2021
  • Haringey is ranked 18 (out of 33 London boroughs) for total population
  • Haringey is ranked 12 (out of 33 London boroughs) for population density 

Census 2021: Population changes on the ONS website.


Haringey's population is older overall, compared to 2011:

  • 8% decrease in children aged under 15
  • 4% increase in adults aged 15 to 64 and
  • 24% increase in those aged 65 and over

Children and young people

59,800 children and young people aged between 0-19 years are usually resident in Haringey, compared to 63,374 in the Census 2011. This is a decrease of 5.7%.

An older Haringey

27,700 people aged 65 years and over are usually resident in Haringey. This compares to approximately 22,369 in Census 2011. This is an increase of around 24%.

Overall, Haringey is ageing faster than London. The borough still has a lower proportion of people aged 65+ than London overall, but we're catching up fast.


Of the 264,200 people in Haringey:

  • 137,000 women (51.9% of the population)
  • 127,200 men (48.1% of the population)

National identity

In Haringey, the percentage that did not identify with any UK national identity fell from 28.7% in 2011 to 27.0% in 2021.


In Haringey, the percentage of households including a couple without children rose from 13.5% in 2011 to 14.0% in 2021. Across England it fell from 17.6% to 16.8%. 

Further information on Census 2021

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has lots more information on Census 2021:

We have put together detailed Haringey data reports for:

  • housing
  • population and migration
  • ethnicity, national identity and language
  • sexual orientation and gender identity
  • education
  • health, disability and unpaid care
  • armed forces veterans
  • labour market and travel to work

Please contact us for a copy of any of these reports. 

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