Cookies on My Haringey

Part of: Cookies

This cookie statement applies to the My Haringey system provided by Astun iShare - which provides embedded maps and lookups on the Haringey website.

Cookies used on My Haringey

My Haringey cookies
Name Typical Content Expires
ASP.NET_SessionId Random string identifying browsing session to server When user exits browser
astun Version number of Astun iShare web application After 30 days
astun:baseMap Identifier for most recently selected base map in My Maps After one month
astun:currentLocation Most recently set address and its coordinates After 30 days
astun:mapSource Identifier for map overlay configuration in My Maps After one month
astun:mapView Location and extents of the most recent view of the map in My Maps After one month
astun:panelsAccordionStatus  Number identifying last opened panel in My Nearest  After 30 days
astun:panelsCollapseStatus IDs of collapsed panels in My Maps After 30 days
astun:previousLocation Address and its coordinates of last location in My Maps After one month
astun:rLayers_[profile_identifier] The list of layers currently added to the Map Categories panel for a given profile (e.g. ORGANISATION_mapsource) After one month
astun:vLyrs_ish_[profile_identifier] Layers turned on in My Maps for a given profile (e.g. ORGANISATION_mapsource) After one month
atMyCouncil Identifier of most recent tab visited by user and changes to visibility of panels in My House and My Nearest After one month
atLocation Most recently set address and its coordinates After 30 days
astun:layerPanelOpenGroups Layer group expanded in panel in My Maps After one month


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