Make a complaint about children's social care

Part of: Make a complaint

You can make a complaint about children's social care services using our online complaints form.

Start now

You can also make a complaint by calling us. 

Get help with your complaint

If you are a young person, you can get help with your complaint by contacting Barnardo's – advocacy services in Haringey

They help young people who want to complain about children's social care services. You can also ask us to contact the organisations on your behalf.

How we will deal with your complaint

There are 3 stages to how we deal with your complaint.

Stage 1 – local problem solving

When we receive your complaint, we will try to sort out the problem straight away. If we can't, we will ask a senior manager to investigate and respond to you within 10 working days.

Stage 2 – the formal stage

An independent investigating officer will investigate your complaint. The investigator will meet with you so that they can fully understand your complaint before they start the investigation.

An independent person will also be appointed to make sure that your concerns are taken seriously and that you are treated fairly. The investigation should normally take between 25 to 65 working days.

Stage 3 – the review panel

A review panel meeting will consider your complaint. The panel is 3 independent people who will hear your complaint and consider how it can be resolved.

You have the right to bring an advocate or representative to speak on your behalf.

Contact the feedback and resolutions team

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