Council Tax reminders and final notices

The second stage of the process to recover unpaid Council Tax is to send you a payment reminder or a final notice.

If you do not pay a Council Tax instalment by the due date, we will send you a reminder or a final notice letter. The letter tells you the amount you need to pay to bring your account up to date.

Your instalment dates

Your Council Tax instalments are due to be paid on or before the 1st of each month.

If you pay by Direct Debit, your instalment dates could also be on the 15th or 25th of each month, depending on whether you set your Direct Debit that way. Find out more about paying by Direct Debit.

Reminder notices

If you receive a reminder notice, you need to make the outstanding payment within 7 days. If not, we may continue with our recovery action and issue a summons.

If you pay the outstanding amount within 7 days, we won't take any further action, as long as you continue to pay your remaining monthly instalments on time. If you believe that you've already paid, you can check your payments in My Account.

Final notices

We will issue a maximum of 2 reminder notices to you during a financial year (April to March).

If you pay late for a third time in a year, we will send you a final notice letter. This will cancel your monthly instalments and you will have to pay the full outstanding amount in one go.

Your instalment plan will only be reinstated if you bring your instalments up to date and set up a Direct Debit.

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