What Council Tax is, bands and bills

What Council Tax is and how it's calculated, understanding your bill and how to get a copy of your bill.

What Council Tax is and your yearly bill

Council Tax is payable on residential properties, such as houses and flats. It's a yearly charge for the services we provide, such as:

  • schools and education
  • social care
  • libraries
  • rubbish and recycling collections 

For more on how your money is spent in Haringey, including a statement from the Leader of the Council and a breakdown of total council funding, download our Council Tax mini guide.

The Greater London Authority (GLA)

In addition to contributing to vital services delivered by Haringey, a proportion of the Council Tax you pay funds services provided by The Greater London Authority (GLA) such as:

  • The Metropolitan Police
  • London Fire Brigade
  • Transport services

For more on how your money is spent by the GLA, download the Greater London Authority (GLA) Annual communication to London Council Taxpayers .

Understanding your bill

Every year you are sent a new Council Tax bill. For more on what's in your bill, go to understanding your Council Tax bill.

Requesting a copy of your bill

If you have never received a bill from Haringey, please tell us you have moved in.

If you have lost your bill or need a copy, you can :

How much you pay

The amount you pay is calculated according to the banding of your property. Find out more about Haringey Council Tax bands.

Contact customer services: Council Tax

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