- 1971 - The Immigration Act ended large-scale immigration to Britain from the Caribbean
- 1974 - Aquarius Hair Salon was set up on Stroud Green Road, and in 2020 is still run by the third generation of the Parry family
- 1974 - ‘BBC Radio Black Londoners’ show started, hosted by Alex and Joyce Pascall

- 1975 - Cliff McDaniel, a 17-year-old black schoolboy was beaten by police outside the Stationers’ Company School in Weston Park, Crouch End. The Black Parents’ Movement was formed to respond to this and other incidents of police harassment of local young black people. The BPM built up alliances with similar organisations nationally and internationally, going on to participate in campaigns involving political crises in South Africa, Grenada and Guyana.
- 1975 - OSCAR (Organisation of Sickle Cell Anaemia Research), the first Sickle Cell Support Group was founded in Wood Green by Sickle Cell patient Dr Neville Clare
- 1975 - Alexandra Park school teacher Mike Terry (1947-2008) became the Executive Secretary of the Anti-Apartheid Movement. He led the organisation for two decades in its campaigning and lobbying until it was dissolved after the inauguration of Nelson Mandela as President of South Africa in 1994.

- 1977 - On 23 April, the Battle of Wood Green at Duckett’s Common saw anti-fascists stop a fascist march, driving the National Front out of the borough.
- 1978 - Bernie Grant elected Labour councillor for Bruce Grove Ward.
- 1978 - The Organisation of Women of African and Asian Descent (OWAAD) , an activist organisation for British black and Asian women, was established. Founder members were Stella Dadzie, Olive Morris and Martha Osamor

- 1979 - Rock Against Racism concert in Finsbury Park
- 1979 - Third World Recording, record distributors established on the corner of Tottenham High Road and West Green Road. By 1983 this became reggae specialist Body Music
- 1979 - Haringey Black Pressure Group on Education established