
Bump to Baby group at Muswell Hill Family Hub

Sessions by Parent Infant Psychology Service team helping parents prepare emotionally and physically for the arrival of their baby, with various ac

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Voice Out Women

Women only empowerment group. 

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Writing Group

Writer? Interested in meeting to other writers to get thoughts, advice and encouragement? Then you'll want to come and join us.

Parents and children smiling

Park Lane Children's Centre activities

Park Lane Children's Centre offers a variety of activities for parents and carers with children aged 0 to 4 years old.

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Donate your bike to The Bike Project

Do you have an old or unused bike that could be refurbished and given another life? If so, The Bike Project would love to have it!

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We know that gambling can hurt our residents, families, and communities.

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Warm Welcome - Creative Connections

Haringey Warm Welcome is a network of inclusive, warm, and welcoming spaces across the borough that are run by local businesses, organisations, and