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Bulgarian and Roma support

Information advice and guidance including immigration support for Bulgarian and Roma Communities.  

Little Buds Nature Club

Little Buds Nature Club is a relaxed stay and play group with nature themed sensory play, art activities and gardening.

Baby massage at Triangle Family Hub

Baby massage is the gentle, rhythmic stroking of your baby's body using your hands to build bonding.

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Friday Fibre Feast – craft group

A drop-in knitting, crochet and textile craft group. Bring along your project and craft together with like minded people of all ages.

Donate your bike to The Bike Project

Do you have an old or unused bike that could be refurbished and given another life? If so, The Bike Project would love to have it!

Haringey Family Hubs logo

Kung Fu at Triangle Family Hub

Kung Fu classes for children and their families.

Call Mr Roberts on 07860 607 928 to book your place.

Firebrand Poets at Karamel

Firebrand Poets are delighted to be hosting their first ticketed event at the brilliant vegan venue Karamel Club in Wood Green.

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Dr Bike at Lordship Rec

This event is aimed at anyone who owns a bike and would like their bike serviced for free!

Run by Cycling Instructor Ltd.

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