Clarendon Recovery College

Courses on understanding and maintaining mental health, Autumn 2024 programme, enrolment.

About Clarendon Recovery College

Clarendon Recovery College (CRC) is available to people who are interested in knowing more about maintaining their own wellbeing and good mental health, or the mental health of people they know. Our courses are free for all Haringey residents aged 18 and over. 

CRC is particularly aimed at people who are interested in knowing more about maintaining their own wellbeing and good mental health, and/or want to support the wellbeing of those around them. A growing number of our courses are co-produced and delivered by people with lived experience of mental illness and by mental health practitioners.

Autumn 2024 programme

Enrol in our free courses and activities today!

The Clarendon Recovery College runs courses about understanding and living with mental health issues. We also run courses for the discovery of skills and talents and for personal growth and wellbeing.

Our courses are free for all Haringey residents.

The autumn programme will run from September to December except weekends and bank holidays. All activities will be held at Clarendon Recovery College.


  • Course: Overcoming setbacks
    Description: The purpose of the course is to raise awareness about the importance of well-being. The course will encourage students to overcome challenges in a positive way. We will discuss topics such as resilience and achievements.
    Time: 11am to 12.30pm
    Date: 23 September
  • Course: Intro to recovery
    Description: Recovery is possible for everyone. This is an introductory half day co-produced course for students, carers and staff who want to take a fresh look at recovery.
    Time: 1pm to 3.30pm
    Date: 23 September
  • Course: Understanding psychosis and schizophrenia
    Description: This co-produced course could be for you if you are interested in gaining an awareness of what the experience of psychosis and schizophrenia may mean to you or someone you care about. We will explore issues relating to the process of diagnosis possible treatment options and what has been reported as effective. We will also explore personal experiences of psychosis and some of the useful ways people have found to manage their own experiences.
    Time: 12.30pm to 3pm
    Date: 30 September
  • Course: Learning to live with psychosis and schizophrenia
    Description: Psychosis and schizophrenia need not to be a barrier to having a fulfilling and meaningful life. This one and a half hour course follows on from the themes
    of recovery, self-management and wellbeing introduced in the understanding psychosis and schizophrenia course.
    Time: 12.30pm to 3pm
    Date: 7 October
  • Course: Understanding complex emotional needs
    Description: This class will provide an overview of what is meant by complex emotional needs, sometimes diagnosed as borderline personality disorder (BPD) or Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD). We will discuss the theory and history behind the changing terminology to promote understanding and insight into often misunderstood conditions.
    Time: 12.30pm to 3.30pm
    Date: 21 October
  • Course: Learning to live with complex emotional needs
    Description: In this follow-up class we will examine how to live with Complex Emotional Needs, often associated with borderline personality disorder (BPD) or Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD). We will look at ways to manage and thrive through these conditions, including modern therapeutic approaches such as Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and Mentalisation-based therapy (MBT).
    Time: 1pm to 3.30pm
    Date: 28 October
  • Course: Cultural Collective
    Description: This course celebrates differences, widens your social network as well as expands cultural horizons. Students will share an aspect of their identity through their heritage. Sharing culture evokes feelings of pride, positive self- image, and connectivity.
    Time: 1.30pm to 2.45pm
    Date: 4, 11, 18 and 25 November
  • Course: Understanding anxiety
    Description: Everyone experiences periods of anxiety at some stage in their lives. We can feel tense, uncertain, fearful, or nervous. This introductory course will provide you with a safe environment to discuss your concerns, whilst you find out about support, treatments, and self-help groups available in your community to help you or somebody you know.
    Time: 10.30am to 1pm
    Date: 11 November
  • Course: Learning to live with anxiety
    Description: Recovery is possible for everyone. This is an introductory half day co-produced course for students, carers and staff who want to take a fresh look at recovery.
    Time: 1pm to 3.30pm
    Date: 18 November
  • Course: Mad studies
    Description: What are mad studies? One definition is a “field of scholarship, theory and activism about the lived experience, history, cultures, and politics of people who may identify as Mad, mentally ill, service users, patients, neurodiverse and disabled”.
    Time: 1.30pm to 3pm
    Date: 25 November and 2, 9, 16 December
  • Course: Understanding voices
    Description: Hearing voices is a common place experience. It is not necessarilya sign of mental ill health. Share your different experiences.
    Time: 10.30am to 1pm
    Date: 2 December
  • Course: Learning to live with voices
    Description: Take this opportunity to exchange information and learn from each other. This follows up "Understanding voices".
    Time: 10.30am to 1pm
    Date: 9 December


  • Course: Knitting
    Description: A social group where you learn useful crafting skills while enjoying friendly conversation.
    Time: 1.30pm to 4pm
    Dates: 24 September; 1, 8 , 15, 22 and 29 October; 5, 12, 19 and 26 November; 3, 10 and 17 December
  • Course: Art Group
    Description: The weekly sessions focus on drawing and painting.
    Time: 1.45pm to 3.45pm
    Dates: 24 September; 1, 8 , 15, 22 and 29 October; 5, 12, 19 and 26 November; 3, 10 and 17 December
  • Course: Basic IT
    Description: In today’s society digital devices are essential. These include computers, tablets and smartphones. You probably own one or more but do you know how to use them or get the best from them. This class will teach you some of the basics, from turning your device On and Off to going online safely.
    Time: 12pm to 2.30pm
    Dates: 22 and 29 October; 5, 12, 19 and 26 November; 3, 10 and 17 December


  • Course: Understanding mental health
    Description: This course will introduce and explore mental health at both an educational level and from an experienced perspective. The course aims to educate students, carers, family and friends about the symptoms, causes and treatment options associated with mental health. Reflection and self-awareness are key aspects taught on this course.
    Time: 11am to 1.30pm
    Dates: 25 September
  • Course: Finding happiness
    Description: Everyone’s path to happiness is different but we all want the same results to be happy and healthy. This course takes a look at our connection between spiritual and physical wellbeing, it explores various subjects including the meaning of happiness, forgiveness, gratitude, relationships, and success.
    Time: 2pm to 3.15pm
    Date: 9, 16, 23 and 30 October
  • Course: Basic IT
    Description: In today’s society digital devices are essential. These include computers, tablets and smartphones. You probably own one or more but do you know how to use them or get the best from them. This class will teach you some of the basics, from turning your device On and Off to going online safely.
    Time: 10.45am to 1.15pm
    Dates: 23 and 30 October; 6, 13, 20 and 27 November; 4, 11 and 18 December
  • Course: Intro to mindfulness
    Description: Mindfulness is a mind- body approach that involves paying attention to thoughts and feelings that can increase our awareness and compassion. We can learn in a way that help us to manage difficult experiences and make wise choices.
    Time: 1pm to 2pm
    Date: 6, 13, 20 and 27 November, and 4 and 11 December
  • Course: Caterpillar and ladder
    Description: This course is to encourage students to take part exploring real-life challenges. The course will encourage sharing experiences in a lighthearted and fun way.
    Time: 1.30pm to 3pm
    Date: 18 December


  • Course: Understanding bi-polar
    Description: This introductory awareness course aims to educate students, carers, family and friends about the symptoms, causes and treatment options associated with bipolar disorder.
    Time: 11.30am to 2pm
    Dates: 26 September
  • Course: Resourceful women
    Description: This course will offer information, advice, and guidance. The course will enhance wellbeing through health promotion, group exercises and recreational activities.
    Time: 1pm to 2.30pm
    Dates: 26 September
  • Course: Art group
    Description: The weekly sessions focus on drawing and painting.
    Time: 1.45pm to 3.45pm
    Dates: 26 September; 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 October; 7, 14, 21 and 28 November; 5 and 12 December
  • Course: Learning to live with bi polar
    Description: This course is a follow -up from the understanding bipolar course aimed at people who wish to learn more about the condition and improve their coping strategies.
    Time: 11.30am to 2pm
    Date: 3 October 
  • Course: To keep or not to keep? De-clutter your life
    Description: In these sessions we will look at our thoughts and feelings around letting go. We will identify healthy ways to release our attachments to objects that may hold meaning for us.
    Time: 11am to 1.30pm
    Date: 10, 17, 24 and 31 October
  • Course: Journaling
    Description: Journaling can be much more than writing a diary of life events. It can be about self-exploration and development, supporting you in your recovery and day-to-day living.
    Time: 1pm to 2pm
    Date: 7, 14, 21 and 28 November, and 5 December
  • Course: Useful philosophy
    Description: How can you use philosophy in your daily life? How can some ideas from the past help us now? How can clear thinking help when sorting out problems?
    Time: 11am to 1.30pm
    Date: 7 and 14 November
  • Course: Christmas support workshop
    Description: Participants in this support group share experiences, thoughts and emotions in a safe and understanding environment, offering each other empathy and advice to navigate the holiday season period more effectively.
    Time: 11am to 12.30pm
    Date: 21 November and 12 December
  • Course: Intro to neurodiversity
    Description: This neurodiversity course covers the foundational concepts of neurodiversity, and the various types of neurodivergent conditions.
    Time: 10.45am to 12.45pm
    Date: 5 December


  • Course: Mindful colouring
    Description: Improve your focus and concentrate on the moment. Reduce anxiety and stress and take an art break.
    Time: 10.30am to 11.30am
    Dates: 27 September; 4, 11, 18 and 25 October; 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 November; 6, 13 and 20 December
  • Course: Sound of music
    Description: Students come together to share their favourite music, discover new genres, and engage in thoughtful conversations about musical elements, artists, and cultural influences.
    Time: 2pm to 3.30pm
    Dates: 27 September, 4, 11, 18 and 25 October, and 1 and 8 November
  • Course: Stress management
    Description: The course examines the causes of stress and anxiety, gives you practical activities and methods that have a good record of helping alleviate them, helps you look at your own situation and build up a skills tool kit to lessen and manage anxiety and stress in your life.
    Time: 12pm to 1.30pm
    Dates: 11, 18 and 25 October, and 1 and 8 November
  • Writing for self-expression
    Description: These workshops will help participants to think about their life and put their thoughts and feelings into words, fostering personal awareness, resilience, and wellbeing.
    Time: 1pm to 2.30pm
    Dates: 15 November

Register for one or more courses

To secure your place, please complete the Clarendon Recovery College enrolment form .

You can email us the completed form or come into the college and complete it there, anytime between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday.

Some places are limited, so we encourage early enrolment to avoid disappointment.

If you want more information, get in touch with us and have a chat:

Studio 306 Collective

Some of our courses are held at Studio 306 – a professionally equipped arts and crafts studio space for people who are recovering from severe and enduring mental illness and who are able to work independently.

Find out more and watch a few videos about what we do at Studio 306.

Contact Clarendon Recovery College

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