Flu vaccine for children

Part of: Childhood vaccinations

Pre-school children

Pre-school children should get the flu vaccine from a GP. All school-aged children (reception to year 11) will be offered their flu vaccine at school.

Primary school children

Vaccination UK provides vaccinations in schools and community venues. You should receive a parental consent form when it's time for your child to get vaccinated.

Missed vaccinations

Vaccination UK provides regular clinics for children to catch up on any missed vaccinations. For details of upcoming vaccination catch-up clinics:

Nasal spray flu vaccine

Most children are offered the nasal spray flu vaccine. This vaccine offers the best protection against flu for children and usually takes around 2 weeks to start working.

As the flu virus is slightly different each year, a new nasal spray vaccine must be taken annually.

Visit the NHS website for more information on the child flu vaccine, including how to get it

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