Modern slavery

What we’re doing to tackle modern slavery in Haringey.

How to refer a potential victim 

If you believe you might have identified a potential victim of modern slavery, contact

Alternatively, Special Points of Contact (SPOC) for modern slavery who can be contacted directly are:

Other contact points 

  • Contact the Haringey Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) to report a concern about a child (under 18): 020 8489 4470 
  • Out of hours contact: 020 8489 1000 
  • Contact the Haringey First Response Team to report if you’re concerned about an adult: 020 8489 1400 or email:
  • Modern slavery helpline

For more information about modern slavery, including how to spot the signs that someone is a victim of modern slavery, visit the GOV.UK web page on modern slavery.

What we’re doing to tackle modern slavery 

Modern Slavery Plan 

The Modern Slavery Plan is our 2 year strategy to prevent modern slavery and to identify and support its victims. 

The plan has 3 key aims: 

  1. To raise awareness and understanding of modern slavery, human trafficking and exploitation. With the expectation that this develops the capacity of the community and professionals to identify signs and respond accordingly. 
  2. To establish clear guidelines and pathways for referral into the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and develop a wider offer of support for victims. 
  3. To work with partners, including the police, health, and voluntary community sector to enable greater success in detection, disruption, and prosecution. 

Download Modern Slavery Plan


Our training video is designed to help those living and working in Haringey identify the signs of modern slavery. If you have any questions after watching this video, please contact 

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Practitioners handbook 

The Modern Slavery Practitioners Handbook contains guidance on supporting and identifying victims of modern slavery for those working with potential victims. It includes government legislation and guidance as well as third-sector guidance, so you can reference multiple resources all in one place. 

Download Modern Slavery Practitioners Handbook 

The true cost of modern slavery in Haringey 

Modern slavery is a costly crime to the whole of society. Download our cost-benefit analysis for an overview of the cost and the potential savings that we could make by increasing identification of potential victims and preventing modern slavery. 

Download Cost Benefit Analysis of Modern Slavery in Haringey

Contact modern slavery team

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