Our engagement strategy

Part of: Resident engagement in Haringey

We worked with residents, resident groups, volunteers, staff, partners, and our Board to develop our customer engagement strategy to ensure that it meets the needs and aspirations of our communities.

Our new strategy is designed to amplify the voice of our tenants and leaseholders and to use it to influence and shape the services we deliver.  

Our strategy also responds to the government's social housing white paper and aims to adopt the principles of co-creation in the delivery of it. 

There are 6 pillars that support the strategy:

Working together 

By January 2022, residents work together to share ideas and experience support each other and have a louder voice. 

The creations of the customer core group and scrutiny panel. 


By November 2022, we have a training academy for residents, to help them gain the skills and confidence they need to get involved in their communities and hold us to account. 


By March 2024, the best use is made of community spaces, achieved by us investing in the right facilities in the right locations so facilities are accessible to all our communities 


By April 2022, the engagement team is refreshed, and roles are revised in order to lead and support resident engagement.  


Continuing to work with our scrutiny panel and also continue working with the council to change the way we work with our residents.   

By March 2022, resident-led scrutiny holds the Board and managers to account. 


By October 2022, we use customer data to understand their needs and expectations and tailor our services accordingly. 

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