Ways to get involved

Strategic, local and informal ways to get involved with council housing.

There are several formal and informal ways you can get involved within the council. If you would like to get involved with any of the groups below, please contact us and we will provide you with further information on how to get involved. 

The following is a list of local and borough-wide groups which we recognise as representing the varied interests of Haringey residents.

Join a residents group!

We are looking for tenants and leaseholders to join our service improvement groups. By sparing just 3 hours of your time each month, you can have your say in how the housing services are delivered and help us co-create strategies to improve the service overall.

Your role

Every role has a range of responsibilities but essentially, you’ll be influencing decisions to benefit all residents and ensuring all voices are heard.

Who can apply?

  • Haringey Council tenants
  • Haringey Council leaseholders
  • Freeholders living on a Haringey Council estate
  • Haringey Council tenants who live in temporary accommodation

Strategic resident involvement

Resident voice board (RVB)

The resident voice board is an important resident forum with strategic input into housing policies and strategies, service improvements, and housing performance. This assembly is consulted about new strategies and changes in service provision that could affect residents. It ensures that residents' viewpoints are part of strategic decision-making.

Made up of 15 residents from diverse tenures, the group reports to the placemaking and housing board and is the directorate’s co-production mechanism.

Housing resident advisory panel (HRAP)

The housing resident advisory panel, consisting of 11 residents (with guidance from an independent mentor) represents various areas within Haringey. They are selected to conduct service reviews from a resident perspective and propose recommendations for improvements. Endorsed recommendations from this panel are then submitted for review and oversight by the placemaking and housing board.

Continuous improvement groups (CIGs)

These groups are established by the resident voice board to evaluate specific housing services or issues. These teams will then create a comprehensive service improvement plan in collaboration with relevant service managers, outlining the path forward to improvement in service and customer satisfaction.

Service-led task and finish groups

To ensure resident needs and desires are addressed, senior housing managers might seek resident input on matters within their jurisdiction. After completing their task, the group dissolves, leaving behind integrated recommendations within their service. Resident participation in these groups is collaborative and meeting structure and frequency can vary based on mutual agreement.

Complaints advisory panel (CAP)

The complaints advisory panel will offer the residents’ viewpoint on the complaint’s procedure and management. We will incorporate the lessons learned to improve how we respond to and process complaints.

Locally-based resident involvement

Resident associations (RAs)

Resident associations unite residents within an area, such as an estate or block(s), to advocate for residents’ interests and suggest service improvements. With an official constitution and recognised by the council, they are consulted on significant matters impacting their homes or communities. Moreover, they qualify for funding to support operational expenses.

Many resident associations also arrange social events and drive community initiatives that foster a sense of togetherness among residents. Some also manage small community halls and centres.

Resident advocates

Resident advocates serve as liaisons between the council and a specific estate or area in the absence of a resident association. Their responsibility involves communicating with housing managers about communal concerns, staying updated on planned estate work or area contracts for communal spaces, and guiding residents in reporting issues accurately.

Resident advocate participation is crucial as residents are very familiar with local matters, living within the community and witnessing daily occurrences.

Informal resident involvement

There are number of informal ways you can get involved on your estate, including: 

  • focus groups
  • estate walkabouts
  • mystery shopping
  • our annual survey of tenants and residents (STAR)
  • online surveys/questionnaires
  • estate surgeries
  • community events

To find out more about any of the above, please contact us.

Contact the resident engagement team

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