Housing feedback and complaints

General feedback, complaints process, Housing Ombudsman service.

We aim to provide a high-quality consistent service, but accept that from time to time things can go wrong.

When things go wrong, we want to resolve them as quickly as possible. We also use this opportunity to identify any areas where our service can be improved.

Before making a formal complaint, we ask you to tell us about the problem so we can try to resolve it by contacting us.

If you are reporting something new to us for the first time, such as a repair in your home or an estate cleaning issue, then we would treat this as a service request and not a complaint.

How to give us feedback

There are several ways for you to give us feedback:


Complete our complaints e-form

You can find more information about our complaints process on our make a complaint page.

General feedback

For general feedback, please contact us.


We are committed to providing residents with the best possible service and encourage all our staff to exceed our customer expectations. Make a compliment.

Complaints we cannot deal with

There are some complaints that we cannot investigate. These are:

  • complaints about something that happened more than 12 months ago, unless it concerns delays by the Council Housing department (formerly Homes for Haringey)
  • complaints about something outside of our control (for example, we cannot deal with complaints about other organisations but may be able to give you advice on how to complain)
  • matters where a statutory appeal of tribunal has been established or special procedures are in place
  • a complaint about legal issues or liability claims that could be dealt with by legal proceedings or direct with insurers
  • an employee’s complaint about personnel matters including pay, pensions, disciplinary and grievance issues
  • a complaint that is more appropriate for our whistleblowing procedure. We will let you know if this is the case and, where possible, direct you to someone else who may be able to help (see our whistleblowing policy )

When not to use our feedback service

Before you give us feedback, please check that you are not using our feedback service for any of the following:

Complaining about another resident harassing you or causing a nuisance

To report anti-social behaviour, call us on 020 8489 5611 or speak to a customer services officer in person at your local customer services centre.

Other Haringey residents should call customer services.

If you feel you are in any danger, call the police immediately on 999 or 112 if you're using a mobile.

Complaining about an eviction decision

You should get independent legal advice from your local Citizens Advice Bureau or visit the Citizens Advice website

Complaining about another Haringey Council service?

You can report your issue to the relevant council department.

Complaint handling code and self-assessment

The Housing Ombudsman service complaint handling code sets out a list of good practice that allows landlords to respond effectively and fairly to complaints.

How and when to contact the Housing Ombudsman and our self-assessment.

Contact customer services: housing

Office hours
Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
Saturday to Sunday Closed

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