Estates pest control

Treatments in your home, pricing, booking appointments.

The control of pests is an important part of creating a healthier place to live and work. Pests are insects and rodents that invade our homes and can pose a risk to health.  

Pest control treatments in your home

If you are a tenant living in a property managed by Haringey Council, you may not have to pay for treatment carried out by pest control. This will depend on what the infestation is and which type of property you live in.

The free services provided by Haringey Council are for:

  • rats in houses, flats or maisonettes
  • squirrels in lofts only
  • cockroaches in flats and maisonettes only
  • mice in flats and maisonettes only
  • pharaoh ants in flats and maisonettes only
  • bed bugs in supported housing schemes only

If you are a tenant but do not live in the type of property specified above, you can still arrange for a treatment for these types of infestations, but you will be charged for them.

In addition to the above, in exceptional circumstances, council tenants can request treatment for:

  • wasps and wasps' nests
  • ants
  • food pests (weevils, beetles, moths)
  • fleas
  • clothes/textile moths

Concessionary rates and pricing

Where a charge is applicable for your pest control treatment, you may still be entitled to a concession fee (discount) if you receive one of the following:

  • Universal Credit 
  • Income Support  
  • income-based Jobseeker's Allowance  
  • Pension Credit  
  • Working Tax Credit  
  • Council Tax Reduction  
  • Housing Benefit  

Booking appointments

Individual treatment

If you have a problem with pests in your home, you should contact Haringey Council’s customer service team (see below). They can give you advice and book an appointment for you to treat the infestation. 

Please note: if you live in temporary accommodation, the customer services team will require confirmation from Haringey housing services before treatment is arranged.

Block treatments

If you live in a block of flats where the pest infestation is affecting more than just your property, it may be necessary to carry out a treatment on all the flats in your block.

Communal areas

We will also carry out treatments where you are experiencing pest problems in the communal areas in your block of flats.

Contact us to report both block and communal area treatments. We will arrange treatment with Haringey Council's pest control team, who will write to all affected properties giving the date and time that they will visit to carry out treatment.

If they cannot gain access to your home, they will leave a card clearly stating the date and time of their visit. Your tenancy management officer will contact you if there is a problem with gaining access to carry out the required treatment. We will give you reasonable notice if access to your home is required. Failure to do so may be a breach of the tenancy agreement and may result in action being taken.

Read more about dealing with pests

Contact customer services: book pest control

Office hours
Monday to Tuesday 9am to 5pm
Wednesday 10am to 5pm
Thursday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday to Sunday Closed

Contact customer services: housing

Office hours
Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
Saturday to Sunday Closed

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