Older people’s housing strategy
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Find your collection day, recycling guidance, bulky waste pickup points.
Your rubbish and recycling is collected every week by Veolia Environmental Services. Please recycle as much as you can by putting recyclable materials into the recycling containers outside your block.
Find out what day your rubbish is collected
You can recycle dry waste such as:
Please rinse all empty food cans and containers. Don’t put these items in plastic bin bags. If you do they will not be recycled and the presence of black bags or non-recyclable waste in a recycling bin will contaminate the bin and prevent the rest of the contents from being recycled.
Recycle as much food waste as possible using the special compostable food caddy liners, putting them in the food waste recycling containers outside the block.
More liners can be obtained free of charge from your local library or a customer service centre by showing proof of your address.
No other type of bag can be used for this type of recycling or the bin will be contaminated and prevent the rest of the contents from being recycled.
Small electrical items that are in good condition can be sold or donated for reuse or to charity.
If the item is not reusable, it can be taken to one of North London's reuse and recycling centres (RRC), or if it is smaller than 520mm x 510mm you can place it in one of the small Waste Electrical and Electronic (WEEE) banks around north London.
For more information visit the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) website.
Only non-recyclable household waste should be put in black refuse bags and placed inside the large rubbish bins outside your block. Small bags can be put down the refuse chutes. All refuse bags must be untorn and properly tied up.
You can put items of kitchenware, crockery excluding small electrical appliances (irons, kettles etc.) in black plastic bags for general waste collection.
You must not leave general refuse bags anywhere except in the refuse bins or we will take action against you.
Most bulky items can be disposed of at no charge. There are collection points for some estates and blocks. Collections are made by Veolia. There is no limit to the number of items you can leave at a collection point as long as space is available. Please do not leave bulky waste by the refuse bins.
Collection points are locked for security. If you have bulky items for collection or need help carrying them, please contact your local estate services team between 8.15am and 3.30pm for assistance.
If there is no collection service where you live, contact Veolia to arrange a collection of up to 10 items. There is a £20 fee for the removal of up to 4 items. Extra items cost £10 each.
If you put out a bulky item without our agreement we will take action against you.
Veolia can collect:
Veolia can collect:
You can recycle some large items like tables and bookcases for free through organisations like Barnet Furniture Centre and Freecycle.
The following items will not be collected from a bulk collection store or collection point:
These items need to be taken to your nearest recycling centre.
Watermead Way Depot
Watermead Way
N17 0FJ
United Kingdom