Renting a garage

Garage sizes, how to apply, rent charges and reductions.

If you need somewhere to keep your car or van, you may be able to rent a garage near you. Our well-priced garages become available frequently and we can let you know when one is free in your preferred area.

Priority is given to council tenants and leaseholders living on the estate. If there is no tenant or leaseholder on the list, we will offer the vacancy to the next person on the list.

Garage size

Most garages are designed for a standard car and measure 4.88 metres by 2.44 metres (16 feet by 8 feet), but a few are larger and can accommodate a van. Rents are based on size and facilities, such as internal lighting.

Rent charges and reductions

You will receive rent charge information when notified of an available garage.

If you are a Haringey council tenant, you may be eligible for a rent reduction if you are also a pensioner or have a disability and receive Mobility Allowance or Disability Living Allowance.

How to apply

To rent a garage, fill in our waiting list application form:

Apply for a garage

Contact us if you are unable to complete the online form or need assistance, contact us. We will send you a form to fill in and send back to us to apply to join the waiting list.

When you sign the licence agreement for a garage, you will be asked what you intend to use it for. You will also be asked to provide valid proof of identity and to sign up to pay the rent by Direct Debit.

You must not store materials that catch fire easily in a garage, including petrol or gas bottles.

Rent arrears

If you have arrears which you do not arrange to clear, we may repossess the garage.

In this case, you will be served with a notice to quit, which will give you 7 days to remove your belongings. When the notice expires, we will change the locks and re-let the garage to the next person on the waiting list.

If we find goods or personal possessions in the garage, we will store non-perishable items for a short period before disposing of them if they are not collected.

Contact customer services: housing

Office hours
Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
Saturday to Sunday Closed

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