Trouble paying bills

Part of: Paying your housing rent

If for any reason you find yourself having trouble paying any of your bills, such as rent, don't ignore the problem. If you get into rent arrears you could end up losing your home.

Check that you are receiving the support you are entitled to

To help you manage your finances effectively, make sure you are receiving all of the income you are entitled to, and keep your home secure, you can:

  • use our benefits and budgeting calculator to find other benefits, ways to save money and budget effectively
  • check if you could be entitled to financial support through a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) if you already get Housing Benefit or Universal Credit Housing Costs but are still unable to afford your rent or are in arrears
  • get help through the Haringey Support Fund if you need emergency support with basic living costs or to pay for essential household items

Please don’t struggle in silence – we’re here to help. Please talk to us straight away so we can help before it gets too late. We can also refer you to Citizens Advice who will help you to improve your financial situation and give you advice about any benefits you can claim. For instance, if you are a pensioner, disabled or a registered carer, there may be extra money available to help with things such as heating bills.

Contact our income collection team for advice and tell us:

  • your name and contact details
  • the problems are you currently experiencing
  • any specific questions you have for us

What happens if you are in rent arrears 

If you are in rent arrears, you will not be able to transfer to another council property unless you have kept to a payment plan for a least 12 months. There are also some further restrictions, for example you cannot:

  • be transferred to most housing associations, as they will not take tenants with arrears
  • make a mutual exchange

We will also chase you for payment of the arrears unless you have an arrangement to pay them off.

More help available

For more advice see our here to help pages.

Contact the income collection team

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