Concierge service for council tenants

Services provided, opening hours.

We offer concierge services in tower blocks and other large blocks of flats. You can find the concierge office in the main entrance of your block.

Our concierge service helps to control access to your block, offers a welcoming reception service and protection from vandalism, squatting and graffiti.

Our officers are assigned to specific blocks. This gives you a chance to get to know them although staff may change from time to time to cover for your concierge officer when necessary. 

Services provided by concierge officers


We monitor all the visitors to the building and do our best to make sure that only people with a good reason to enter the building are allowed to do so.

We also monitor closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) in and around the block. 

We will report any incidents, such as vandalism, theft or anti-social behaviour, to the relevant authorities.

Report repairs

We will report repairs in shared areas on behalf of residents. For example, we will report faulty lighting or faults with the door entry systems.


We will provide support to vulnerable residents in the block. Please ask us if you need help.


We will respond to emergencies, such as fires or flooding, in the block and work with emergency services when required.

In these cases as well as incidents such as lifts breaking down, we can text you on your mobile to let you know what the problem is and how long it would take to resolve. Please leave your phone number with the Concierge Officer on duty to take advantage of the service.


If you have any questions about Haringey Council services please ask us – we are here to help.

Or you can email your concierge office directly. Email addresses are displayed on your block notice board.

You can also contact us for further information.

Parcel collection 

We can now also receive parcels on your behalf when you are out. For information on how to do this please speak to the concierge officer on duty. But we will only do this if the parcel is from a recognised parcel delivery company. If the parcel is not collected within a week we will have to return it to the delivery company.

Opening hours and feedback

Our concierge services are available:

  • Monday to Friday, 8am to 12 midnight
  • Saturday, 10am to 2am
  • Sunday, 12 noon to 8pm

Services are closed on bank holidays.

When we go on meal breaks, we will put up a sign at reception telling you when we will be back.

If you wish to raise an issue or you have a suggestion about our concierge services, please contact the concierge manager. You will find their telephone number on the noticeboard in the lobby area.

Contact customer services: housing

Office hours
Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
Saturday to Sunday Closed

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