Older people’s housing strategy
Have your say and help us develop a 15-year older people’s housing strategy for Haringey. Complete our older people's housing strategy survey by Sunday 16 March 2025.
Part of: Fire risk assessments
The fire risk assessment (FRA) is based upon the number of exit routes or entrances to a building, therefore some buildings may have more than one fire risk assessment.
Fire risk assessments provide an overview of any potential fire safety issues in a building, but they by no means provide a complete picture as to whether a building is safe or not.
Like a car's MOT, fire risk assessments provide a snapshot of what was found at the time of inspection and can't take into account changes to things like obstructions or breakages in-between assessments.
Issues raised in fire risk assessments are prioritised and completed according to their priority. An issue might be addressed immediately or in several months dependent upon what is found and the circumstances of an individual building. For example, it may be necessary schedule work into the next refurbishment programme.
All urgent repairs should be completed as quickly as is possible. Other works may take longer and be completed at the same time as other works to minimise disruption to residents.
If you have concerns about outstanding actions, please contact us.
The fire risk assessment will determine the most suitable fire evacuation strategy based on the type of property.
We have taken the decision to enforce a ‘clear communal areas’ policy in our blocks to minimise risk and keep residents safe. Residents are not allowed to store dangerous or excessive items in the corridors and communal areas.
If you own a vehicle, please consider where you park on your estate and:
If you have concerns about fire safety in your estate, or if you see anything that may pose a fire risk such as rubbish in corridors or bad parking, please contact us.