Older people’s housing strategy
Have your say and help us develop a 15-year older people’s housing strategy for Haringey. Complete our older people's housing strategy survey by Sunday 16 March 2025.
Insuring your home, making a claim.
As a council tenant, your furniture and personal belongings are not automatically insured against theft or damage. This means if, for example, there's a fire in your home, you cannot claim against your insurance and get money towards replacing your damaged or destroyed possessions.
To insure the contents of your home, you can use any insurance company you choose.
However, if you live on a large estate it can be hard to get contents insurance. To help, we have a special household contents insurance scheme for all our tenants and leaseholders (not just those living on estates). The scheme is run by the RSA Insurance Group and is only available to Haringey Council tenants or leaseholders.
If you wish to apply for home contents insurance through RSA Insurance, please complete the application form in the home contents insurance booklet:
For a summary of what the policy contains and what is covered, please see the product information document .
For general enquiries about the RSA Insurance scheme please visit the RSA website.
If you believe we've caused damage to your contents and/or personal belongings, you can make an insurance claim against us. Contact us for an insurance claim form.
Our team investigate insurance claims for residents who believe the cause of damage and negligence is due to Haringey Council. They'll contact you directly if they need more information.
Uris Group, Quay Point
Lakeside Boulevard
United Kingdom
Haringey Risk and Insurance Team
7th Floor, Alexandra House
10 Station Road
Wood Green
N22 7TR
United Kingdom