Bogus callers and crime prevention

Bogus callers, crime prevention.

Bogus callers

Bogus callers are people who try to get into your home or get personal details by pretending to be someone they're not. This can include council staff, charity collectors, meter readers and police officers. In reality, they're criminals trying to steal money and valuables.

Never let anyone into your home without first asking them for their identification showing who they are and which organisation they're from.

Haringey Council officers wear a badge showing their name and photo and do not mind waiting for you to check their details.

If you're not completely sure they're from Haringey Council, ask them to wait outside and call customer services to check with us.

Our staff will never ask for money from you directly for any services. If the person calling at your home says they're from Haringey Council and asks for money, refuse and tell us about it.

Crime and community safety advice

Most crimes are against property and are usually committed on the spur of the moment, such as grabbing a bag from a car or going through an open house window. You can reduce risks by simply securing your home and car.

Trying to prevent crime like this helps the police too, as it gives them more time to tackle serious crime. This in turn benefits you, as it makes your neighbourhood a safer place to live in.

The best way to cut the risk of crime is to take sensible precautions. Most people already do this as part of their everyday lives, often without realising it.

See our community safety pages for more information.

Contact customer services: housing

Office hours
Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
Saturday to Sunday Closed

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