Priority services register

Part of: Assistance and grants

Every gas and electricity supplier is obliged to provide the free services outlined below under the priority services register scheme.

The free services are available to all mains gas and electricity customers who meet the eligibility criteria.

At this time the free services are not currently available to consumers using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).


You may be eligible for inclusion on the priority services register if you:

  • are of pensionable age
  • have a disability
  • have long term ill health
  • are blind or visually impaired

Free services available

Password protection scheme

Under the terms of this scheme, you can agree with your supplier a unique password to be used by their staff whenever they visit your home. By doing this you can protect yourself against bogus callers pretending to be from a gas or electricity supplier.

Moving meters

If it is difficult for you to reach or read your gas or electricity meter your supplier may consider moving the meter to a more convenient location free of charge.

Meter reading

By law, your gas and electricity supplier is only required to read your meter once every 2 years. However without accurate readings, you may find yourself either having to pay large "catch-up" bills or you may be paying more than you need to.

If no one in your household can read your gas or electricity meter, your supplier will arrange for your meter to be read every quarter and bills sent out to you based on these readings.

Free gas safety check

If all the adults in your home are eligible for the priority services register, then you may be entitled to a free annual safety check of gas appliances within your home.

Special controls and adapters

Your supplier can provide and fit, free of charge, special controls and adapters to make gas and electricity appliances and meters easier for you to use.

Special help if your gas supply is disrupted

If your gas supply is disconnected or turned off for safety reasons and all the adults living in your home are eligible for inclusion on the Priority Services Register (i.e. meet the eligibility criteria) your gas supplier will provide you with alternative cooking and heating facilities.

Advance notification if your electricity supply has to be interrupted

If you rely on electricity to power vital medical equipment in your home you can get advance notice if your supply has to be interrupted for planned work. This should help you to make any necessary arrangements.

Bill nominee scheme

You can arrange for your bills, or a copy of your bills, to be sent to the address of a friend, relative or carer so that they can help you to read and check your bill.

Visually or hearing-impaired customers

Your supplier can provide consumer information, including meter reading and bills, in a format suitable for you, whether this is in braille, large print, audio tape, textphone, or typetalk.

How to register

To register for these services you will need to sign up to your supplier's priority services register. If you have different suppliers for electricity and gas then you will need to register with each supplier.

If you are having trouble registering then please contact the affordable warmth team and we will do our best to assist you.

Contact the affordable warmth team

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