Housing advice if you will be homeless after leaving hospital

Part of: Help if you're at risk of becoming homeless

What to do while in hospital

You should tell the hospital nursing staff as soon as possible, so that they know that you will be homeless when you are discharged. They will ask the hospital discharge team to help if they can.

The discharge team may refer you to the housing needs team at the council. They will assess your situation and you may be offered temporary accommodation while your application is assessed, if you fall into a priority need category.

If you have a home already but it needs to be adapted, the hospital will refer you to the council team who are responsible for adaptations or the assessment of the Disabled Facilities Grant.

Help available from Haringey Council

If you apply to us for housing assistance because you are homeless in these circumstances, we may not necessarily be legally obliged to provide you with any accommodation.

However, we will have a duty to assess the circumstances of your homelessness, identify what your housing and support needs are, and to work with you to try to prevent your homelessness or support you to find you somewhere to live. We will provide you with a ‘personal housing plan’ which will tell you what we can do to help you and what you can do to help yourself. This might include actions such as attending appointments with our employment and skills team or engaging with organisations that can provide you with a housing solution.

For Haringey Council to be legally obliged to provide you with accommodation, we would need to be satisfied that you are eligible, homeless, in priority need and that you have not made yourself intentionally homeless.

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