Older people’s housing strategy
Have your say and help us develop a 15-year older people’s housing strategy for Haringey. Complete our older people's housing strategy survey by Sunday 16 March 2025.
Finding homes in the private rented sector, Home Finder scheme, benefits, Intermediate Rent.
Lots of people choose to rent privately. Reasons why you might choose the private rented sector include:
The housing needs team will be able to advise you on how to find out what housing is available locally and further afield and how to apply for welfare benefits to help you with your housing costs.
You might be able to get help with a deposit through:
We can find you a good quality private rented home in Haringey or neighbouring boroughs. If you wish to live elsewhere you will need to look for a property yourself.
We will
This will generally be people who we have a statutory duty to assist (including approved homeless applicants) and people who:
If you think you may qualify for the scheme and you are in temporary accommodation please call your tenancy management officer. All other applicants should call the housing advice line on 020 8489 1000.
If you claim benefits or are on a low income you may also be entitled to housing benefit which could help you pay your rent.
See our benefits and financial support pages to find out if you can get help with paying your rent.
The pages will also give you information on the Local Housing Allowance applicable to the size of property you require in the area you are looking at. The Local Housing Allowance is the maximum amount housing benefit will pay for properties in that area.
For more information on how to rent privately please contact Housing Advice on 020 8489 1000.
Intermediate Rent is a scheme that allows you to rent a newly built housing association property at approximately 80% of the market rate.
Anyone can apply for this scheme although priority may be given to certain groups such as key workers or council tenants.
For more information, please visit the Homes for Londoners website.