Affordable energy strategy 2020-2025

Our plan to reduce fuel poverty.

This 5-year affordable energy strategy replaces our previous affordable warmth strategy.

This is in recognition that fuel poverty goes beyond cold homes and related health effects. We are seeing stronger evidence that the ability to adequately power household appliances, lighting and communication equipment can impact academic attainment, digital inclusion, access to employment opportunities and increase social isolation.

We also recognise that in a changing climate, there is a need to keep homes cool during periods of high temperatures as well as warm in winter. Which we are already seeing in new homes due to high levels of insulation alongside the inclusion of larger windows. The health impacts of these events can be significant, particularly for the young, older and disabled people, or those with a long-term illness.

Haringey’s affordable energy strategy vision is to reduce the number of households struggling to afford to adequately power their homes and improve the health and wellbeing of residents by:

  • improving the energy efficiency of housing and reducing overheating risks
  • connecting residents to support services and initiatives to overcome the many causes of fuel poverty, such as energy prices, low incomes and unemployment

This vision will be delivered by the following objectives:

  • Objective 1: Increase the number of struggling households receiving energy advice and expand the support available to create a people-centred solution
  • Objective 2: Improve housing energy performance to reduce fuel poverty, cold homes and overheating
  • Objective 3: Maximise the funding and resources secured within Haringey to alleviate fuel poverty

Download the affordable energy strategy document .

Contact the fuel poverty officer

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