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How we prioritise housing allocations in Haringey.
Our new Housing Allocations Policy 2015 as amended in 2021 to incorporate the Neighbourhood Moves Scheme and is now in use as of 22 February 2021.
The full policy can be downloaded here:
Please read minutes from the Cabinet's meeting to find more information about the changes.
The new Allocations Policy has been introduced to ensure that allocation of housing in the Borough is made to those in greatest need and to give applicants a clearer and more realistic view of their chances of being allocated social housing.
When you bid for properties, your level of priority will be determined by your Housing Needs Band (A, B or C) and the date you joined the Register.
Due to the very high demand for social rented housing in Haringey, almost all of it will be offered to applicants in Housing Needs Bands A and B.
Therefore, we strongly urge applicants in Band C to visit our find a home page or call 020 8489 1000 for further advice.
The new Housing Allocations Policy will place applicants for housing in a Band from A to C.
To join the register please visit our housing register page.
A separate housing register and banding system is in place for those in need of supported housing.
All existing applicants will have received a letter notifying them of which band they are in.