Older people’s housing strategy
Have your say and help us develop a 15-year older people’s housing strategy for Haringey. Complete our older people's housing strategy survey by Sunday 16 March 2025.
Housing priority for existing secure tenants.
The neighbourhood moves scheme gives existing secure council tenants priority for new council homes being built near them.
The scheme will automatically apply to all new housing developments where 4 or more new council rented homes are being built, unless cabinet decides to exclude it or where a local lettings policy is in place.
The first priority for new homes is given to those whose homes are being demolished on the site, or on another site in the same ward or a neighbouring ward.
The second priority for new homes is given to existing tenants who live on the same estate as the new homes, within 250 meters of the new homes, or on an estate where at least one home is within 250 meters of the new homes.
As eligibility for the new homes is restricted to existing secure council tenants, everyone who moves through the scheme will release their existing council home which will be let through to the wider waiting list.
Details of how the scheme works can be found in the policy: