Temporary accommodation placements policy

Who the council will offer temporary accommodation to.

Who this policy affects

The policy affects everyone living in temporary accommodation provided by Haringey Council, including accommodation provided after acceptance of a ‘full duty to accommodate’, and anyone who is applying to Haringey Council for emergency accommodation because they may be homeless.

What is this policy about

The temporary accommodation placements policy sets out who the council will offer temporary accommodation to, in the borough of Haringey, close to Haringey or elsewhere including outside London.

The council will do its best to find accommodation as close as possible to Haringey, but may offer temporary accommodation elsewhere, including outside London. If placed outside London the council may offer assistance and support for a reasonable period. This will be judged on a case by case basis and may include for example help to find employment, childcare, schools and a GP. Between 13 July and 7 September 2016 we consulted on a draft policy for placing people in temporary accommodation inside or outside the borough. We wanted to know what you thought so that we could finalise the policy and ensure that the criteria is fair for all those in need of temporary accommodation.


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