Older people’s housing strategy
Have your say and help us develop a 15-year older people’s housing strategy for Haringey. Complete our older people's housing strategy survey by Sunday 16 March 2025.
Register your interest, forum aims, meetings, external organisations.
Haringey’s landlord forum is designed to bring private landlords and letting agents working in the borough together periodically with council officers, other housing stakeholders and external speakers.
If you are a landlord or letting agent operating in the borough and would like to attend our upcoming meetings, please register your interest at the link below.
The forum will be advertised here and through the council’s newsletters and social media.
The aims for the landlord forum are to:
You can download slides from the most recent meeting on 5 February 2024 below.
Please contact us for slides from previous meetings. Topics discussed include:
Meetings will be held periodically. The date of the next meeting is to be decided and will be communicated in early spring. Those who have registered will automatically receive the invite by email, the forum will publicised through Haringey's social media accounts and the NRLA's events page.
If you are interested in attending and have not already registered, please click the green register button at the top of this page.
The following links are not part of the Haringey Council website.
Landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities in the private rented sector.
The London Landlord Accreditation Scheme launched on 9 July 2004 as a partnership of London boroughs, landlord organisations and educational organisations to recognise good practice and improve conditions in the private rented sector.
An umbrella organisation, ATLAS exists to promote the LLAS model outside of London. Regions across the UK are now affiliated with LLAS. You do not need to own and rent a property in London to become accredited by LLAS.
The National Residential Landlords Association is a membership organisation for private residential landlords, supporting and representing over 95,000 members. The association was created from the merger of the RLA and NLA in April 2020.