Older people’s housing strategy
Have your say and help us develop a 15-year older people’s housing strategy for Haringey. Complete our older people's housing strategy survey by Sunday 16 March 2025.
Part of: Leaseholder service charges and invoices
Your Housing Online account has a record of you account history going back two years.
You can also email the Recovery and Litigation Team at s-LeaseholdAccount@haringey.gov.uk for assistance with account or payment questions.
The terms of your lease state you need to make payment in advance, quarterly, for service charges on the following dates:
As a concession however, the council allows you to pay your annual estimated service charge over 12 months by direct debit from April to March. Major works service charges can also be paid by instalment, the number of instalments will depend on the value of the invoice and whether you are living in the property or not.
Generally, invoicing for any Section 20 proposed works will be issued when works start on site but before completion. This provides the opportunity for the Project Team to ensure costings are as accurate as possible, as by this stage they will have greater knowledge of the specific work required and likely expense.
We will send our annual invoice for the estimated day-to-day service charge in February each year. The invoice will however be dated 1 April. We will send you the final account (actual service charge) in September of each year.
We will also invoice you for major works and decent homes work quarterly. If you pay a sinking fund we will invoice you annually on 1 April.
On behalf of your landlord, we are responsible for maintaining your building.
If your lease was granted on or after the 1 April 2013, you are required to make contributions to future works that will be undertaken. This will avoid you receiving a large invoice for the major works at some future stage and ensures the upkeep of the building, and therefore maintains its value.
Your contributions are an investment to your property and potentially an asset should you decide to sell.
We will send our annual invoice for the sinking fund in February each year. The invoice will however be dated 1 April. This invoice needs to be paid quarterly in advance, or in 12 instalments from April to March by direct debit.
Haringey Council Leasehold Services
6th Floor, Alexandra House
10 Station Road
Wood Green
N22 7TR
United Kingdom