Reporting an unlicensed property

How to report, information we need.

You can report a property which you think is operating without a licence.

Please provide as much information as possible, including:

  • the full property address
  • details of the landlord, property owner or managing agents
  • the number of tenants – is it a family or lots of individual tenants?
  • any problems with the property that are affecting the occupants
  • how long the property has been occupied by tenants
  • if you are a tenant occupying the property, your contact details and any further information that may help our initial investigations

Report an unlicensed property

If you don’t live in the property

Provide as much information as you can about the property.

Respect the fact that officers do not have the right to enter a property without being invited in by a tenant. As a result of this, the officer may not be able to confirm your allegations immediately.

Accept that it may take time for officers to investigate complaints about properties where the complaint has not come from an occupant.

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