Teaching in Haringey

Find a teaching job and the salary and benefits of being a teacher in Haringey.

Haringey is an exciting and challenging place to be a teacher, wherever you are in your teaching career.

Teaching vacancies

Teaching vacancies can be found on our jobs in schools page.

Vacancies are also advertised in The Times educational supplement.


Haringey is an outer London borough, but we pay our teachers using the inner London pay scale. This means our teachers get a higher salary compared to some other outer London boroughs.

Visit the GOV.UK Get into teaching website to see current inner London teaching salaries


You may be able to apply for rented accommodation through the Teachers Housing Association.

You may also be eligible for:

  • shared ownership
  • help to buy
  • first dibs for Londoners

See the Mayor of London website for information on buying an affordable home.

Benefit and rewards

Go to our jobs website for information on the benefits and rewards of working with us.

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