Memories from the Islands
An exhibition of commissioned photographs of everyday life in the Caribbean Islands from the 1950s and 1960s (from the collections of The National Archives). The images were chosen by and evoked delightful memories for members of Haringey University of the Third Age.
Origins of the Afro Comb
Delve into the fascinating history of the African comb or pick spanning 5,000 years. The exhibition focuses on the origins of Afro combs and their use in influencing style, culture, politics and identity, as well highlighting the important contribution of the African-Caribbean hair company Dyke and Dryden from Tottenham.
Re-creating Memories
This photographic exhibition of portraits was undertaken in 1989 by three new generation (and now celebrated) African-Caribbean photographers - Ingrid Pollard, David A. Bailey and Dave Lewis. Their photographs honour and celebrate community activists, leaders and individuals from the African and African Caribbean communities in Haringey.
Windrush Legends and Legacies
Discover the stories of the commitment and contribution to democracy, education, business, culture and everyday life of Haringey's Black community. Inspired by stories from the Bruce Castle Museum and Archive collections, follow the timeline celebrating the presence, the significant contribution and the lasting impact by Haringey's Windrush Generation and their descendants in our community, from 1945 to 2008.