
Addressing gaps in attainment and life opportunities

Children and young people in Haringey attend some of the best schools in the country with strong outcomes from early years to post-16. However, not all groups share equally in this success. Addressing the gaps in attainment and life opportunities is a top priority across all schools in Haringey, led by a steering group made up of Headteachers and senior leaders, governors, Haringey Council and Haringey Education Partnership (HEP). 

There is a strategy, a pledge, CPD opportunities and other resources available on the Haringey Education Partnership website and their anti-racism pages

Future events and CPD opportunities will be added throughout the year so check back for more.

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NIA Academy

The NIA Academy is a Saturday school for children of African Caribbean descent, starting with year 4 and year 7.

Online sessions are delivered on Saturday mornings from 9.30 - 11.30am.

The sessions are focused on literacy, with a particular focus on texts that show the representation of diverse cultures and communities.

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Discover more with the following videos

2022 annual Haringey BAME Achievement Conference

The theme of this years conference was 'Creating a Culture of Belonging'.

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2021 annual Haringey BAME Achievement conference

Haringey and HEP's annual BAME Achievement Conference was hosted in March 2021. Speakers included David Lammy MP and The Right Honourable Stuart Lawrence. Leaders from Haringey schools including Risley Avenue Primary School, The Willow Primary School and Haringey Learning Partnership presented case studies of anti-racism in practice.

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Professor Paul Miller on Inclusivity in the Curriculum

Professor Paul Miller from Educational Equity Services spoke to HEP schools in March 2021 about developing an inclusive curriculum. He talks through key words such as 'diversifying', 'decolonising' and 'inclusivity' and suggests a model for curriculum inclusivity.

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Professor Paul Miller 'Let's talk about race'

Professor Paul Miller from Educational Equity Services spoke to HEP schools in February 2021 on how schools and educators can work together to develop a shared language and practice. The talk includes a discussion of why it is so important to talk about race and racism. The session is both and invitation and a provocation towards social justice. 

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Respecting Multi-Ethnic Perspectives and Experiences in HEP Primary Humanities with Christine Counsell

Christine Counsell, leading curriculum and history specialist and writer of the HEP humanities curriculum resources, discusses how the new curriculum resources are deeply rooted in multi-ethnic perspectives and presents a global narrative to Key Stage 2 students.

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