Notification and timing of Parkland Walk work

Part of: Parkland Walk vegetation reduction

Notification of proposed works

The public, Friends of Parkland Walk and Ward councillors were notified of the work outlined for both the bridges and path side vegetation in the following ways:

  • emails sent to all ward councillors for Stroud Green, Muswell Hill, Crouch End and Highgate as well as to the Friends of Parkland Walk setting out what works would be taking place, when and why
  • letters delivered to over 400 residents living near to the Walk detailing:
    • both the tree work adjacent to the bridges and the path side trimming works
    • vegetation works included the removal of larger shrubs and scrub as this layer adjacent to the path is supposed to be maintained back to a level of 10cm at each maintenance visit
    • other than any trees that were dead, dying, diseased or dangerous, large tree removal has been limited to the areas around the bridges
  • updated council web pages, including with the letter that was sent to residents and the text that was sent to the councillors and Friends
  • installed on-site signage at all twenty entrances along the Walk in addition to the signage that had been in place for the previous 2 years informing people that these works would be coming
  • held a follow-up (online) meeting with, and as requested by ward councillors, later in December to reassure them of any concerns they may have had

Timing of the works

The letter sent to nearby residents and published on our website set out the key planned start and completion dates along with an indication of the phasing of bridge clearance works, making it clear that the path edge works would take place throughout the duration of the works.

The works were planned so that they would be completed prior to the commencement of the bird nesting season, however, due to the impact of a further lockdown period the works have taken longer than expected and will now extend into the bird nesting season until mid-April. Tree works that are necessary and need to be carried out during the nesting season (March until August) will undergo a pre-work survey by our competent arborist in accordance with the relevant legislation and underpinned by ecological surveys. Specific reports and risk assessments will be scrutinised by the council’s Tree and Nature Conservation Manager and Nature Conservation Officer.

April 2021 update

A update letter was sent to residents to help understand where the council has got to with the vegetation clearance works at Parkland Walk.

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