Sponsor a bench or tree

How to sponsor a tree.

Sponsor a tree

We’ve partnered with Trees for Streets to make it easy for you to fund tree planting in streets and parks across Haringey.

Tree benefits

Trees in local streets, parks and green spaces help to:

  • reduce air pollution
  • absorb carbon
  • improve people's mental and physical wellbeing
A young tree planted on a pavement with cars and office building the background.

There are 2 schemes where you can sponsor a tree and make your borough a greener environment:

  • Celebration Tree Sponsorship – for a tree to be planted in one of Haringey's parks, to mark an occasion or in memory of a loved one
  • Haringey Street Tree Sponsorship – for a tree to be planted outside your house, or in your neighbourhood

To find out more and sponsor a tree visit the Trees for Streets website.

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