Women's History Month maps - Wood Green

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Wood Green women's history map and key

In 2021 we marked Women's History Month by launching a new web resource - The Haringey Women's History Map. Three beautifully illustrated maps highlight the lives and accomplishments of many women who have contributed, influenced, and helped shape the area we know today. 

From the archives of Bruce Castle Museum, the Haringey Women's History Maps bring together the stories and lives of around 250 women who lived or worked in Haringey.

Download the Wood Green Women's History Map to discover and learn about their amazing achievements, deeds and darings; from parachutist Dolly Shepherd and the first motorbike trials by women at Alexandra Palace, to the philanthropy of Mrs Smithies of Wood Green towards animal welfare.

The map can be enjoyed either from home or whilst out on a walk - whatever way, you can download a map and its corresponding legend and information. You can explore the area by following the number sequence or you can make up your own route - and be inspired by our Haringey Women's History. 

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