Haringey Libraries: Byelaws

Haringey Libraries: Byelaws

Byelaws made under Section 19 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 by the Council of the London Borough of Haringey.

1. In these Byelaws, unless the context otherwise requires:
a) "the Act" means the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964;
b) "the Library Authority" means the Council of the London Borough of Haringey;
c) "Library" means any and every library (including mobile library) and museum established by the Library Authority under the provisions of the Act or any Statutory modification or re-enactment thereof;
d) "the Librarian" means the Director of Libraries, Museum and Arts, or in his absence, any other person authorised by the Library Authority to act on his behalf;
e) "Library officer" means the Librarian or any other person employed by the Library Authority for the purpose of its functions under the Act;
f) "book" includes any and every book, journal, pamphlet, music score, manuscript, picture, print, photograph, engraving, etching, deed, map, chart, plan, gramophone record, film exhibit and any other article of a like nature forming part of the contents of the Library or lent to any person by or on behalf of the Library Authority.

2. An act necessary for the proper execution of his duty by a library officer shall not be deemed to be a contravention of these Byelaws.

3. A person shall not give a false name or address for the purpose of entering any part of the library or for the purposed of using any facilities provided in connection therewith.

4. A person who is offensively unclean in person or in dress, or who is suffering from an offensive disease, shall not enter or use the library.

5. Except with the consent of a library officer, a person shall not
a) cause or allow any dog (other than a guide-dog accompanying a blind person) or other animal belonging to him or under his control to enter or remain in the library; or
b) bring into any part of the library a wheeled vehicle or conveyance (other than a hand-propelled invalid chair).

6. A person shall not, after proper warning by a library officer, remain in the library after the time fixed for its closing.

7. A person shall not, unless duly authorised, take any book from the library.

8. A person shall not carelessly or negligently soil, tear, cut, deface, damage, injure, or destroy any book or the furniture, fittings, or other contents of the library.

9. Except with the consent of a library officer, a person shall not make a tracing or rubbing of any portion of a book.

10. A person who:
a) after the end of the period for which it was lent has the charge or possession of a book borrowed from the Library or from anybody or person acting on behalf of the Library
Authority, and
b) after having been requested in writing by the Library Authority to deliver it up to that Authority has failed to do so within a period of fourteen days after the date of the request, and
c) has not paid to the Library Authority in respect thereof an agreed sum by way of compensation
shall not, except with the consent of the Librarian, borrow any further book from the library.

11. A person from whom any sum is due to the Library Authority by reason of a charge made under Section 8 (2) of the act in respect of failure to return a book before the end of the period for which it was lent shall not, except with the consent of the Librarian, borrow any book from the library after having been notified in writing by the Library Authority of the amount due.

12. (i) A person having the charge or possession of any book which the Library Authority is entitled to have returned to it shall deliver it up to that Librarian within fourteen days of the service upon him by the Authority of a notice requiring him so to do.
(ii) For the purposes of this Byelaw, a notice may be served upon any person by delivering it to him, or by leaving it at his usual or last known place of residence, or by sending it by registered post or recorded delivery service address to him at that place.

13. A person shall not behave in a disorderly manner in the library or use violent, abusive or obscene language therein.

14. A person shall not spit in the library.

15. A person shall not, after warning by a library officer, persist in sleeping in the library.

16. A person shall not engage in audible conversation in any part of the library set apart as a reference department or for reading after having been requested not to do so by a library officer.

17. A person shall not wilfully obstruct any library officer in the execution of his duty or wilfully disturb, obstruct, interrupt, or annoy any other person in the proper use of the library.

18. A person shall not display, distribute, affix, or post any bill, placard or notice in, to or upon any part of the library.

19. A person shall not, without the consent of the Librarian, offer anything for sale in the library.

20, A person shall not lie on the furniture or fittings of the library or on the floor thereof except, with the consent of the Librarian, on the floor of any part the library for the time being set apart for the use of children.

21. A person shall not smoke or strike a light in any part of the library set apart for the use of the public, except in any part thereof which is for the time being used as a restaurant or in which, when it is being used for an educational, cultural or other event under section 20 of the Act, the Library Authority allows smoking.

22. A person shall not, except with the consent of a library officer, partake of refreshments in the library, except in any part thereof which is for the time being used as a restaurant or in which, when it is being used for an educational, cultural or other event under section 20 of the Act, the Library Authority allows the partaking of refreshments.

23. Except with the consent of the Librarian, a person shall not cause or allow any apparatus for the reception of sound broadcasting or reproduction of sound to be operated in any part of the library set apart for the use of the public.

24. Every person who shall offend against any of the foregoing Byelaws (other than Byelaws 10 and 11) shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding the sum of five pounds.

25. Every person who, within the view of a library officer, contravenes any of the foregoing Byelaws may be excluded or removed from the library by such officer if:
a) his name or address are unknown to and cannot readily be ascertained by the Officer; or
b) from the nature of the contravention or from any other fact of which the officer may have knowledge or be credibly informed there is reasonable ground for belief that his continuance in the library may result in another contravention of the Byelaws or that his exclusion or removal from the library is otherwise necessary for the proper use and regulation thereof.

26. On the coming into operation of these Byelaws, the Byelaws relating to Libraries in:
(i) the area of the former Borough of Hornsey made by the former Hornsey Borough Council on the 17th day of February, 1960 and were confirmed by the Minister of Education
on the first day of March, 1960; and
(ii) the are of the former Borough of Tottenham made by the former Tottenham Borough Council on the 23rd day of March, 1937 and were confirmed by the Board of Education on the eighth day of July, 1937;
shall be revoked.

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