The Wood Green Business Improvement District Ballot 2023

Part of: The Wood Green Business Improvement District Ballots

A ballot on whether the Wood Green Business Improvement should be renewed was held.

The ballots were sent out to those who were entitled to vote in the BID area on 24 January 2023.

The ballot, which was conducted entirely by post, concluded on 23 February 2023.

The result was in favour of the renewal of the BID.

Declaration of results – Wood Green BID ballot 2023 .

  • Total number of votes cast in the ballot, excluding any given on ballot papers rejected: 94
  • Aggregate rateable value of each hereditament in respect of which a person voted in the ballot: £9,799,750
  • Total number of votes cast in favour of the proposed renewal of the Business Improvement District for Wood Green: 50
  • Aggregate rateable value of each hereditament in respect of which a person voting in the ballot has voted in favour of the proposed renewal of the Business Improvement District for Wood Green: £5,765,000

For more information about the BID, please go to the Wood Green BID website.

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