Proposal for expansion of Riverside Special School

Change in age range at Riverside school

Following a consultation process, the age range at Riverside special school has been developed adding a 16-19 year old department. For more information about the background to this proposal please see the information below.

What we consulted on


Following just over a year of discussions held with a range of stakeholders Haringey Council is now putting forward a formal proposal to make a change of age range to Riverside’s 11-16 year olds special school through adding a 16-19 year olds department.

The 16-19 department would be dedicated to the social education and care of up to twelve (12) students whose very high levels of complexity in their communication, their learning disabilities and needs, and their behaviour mean that current post-16 provisions open to other SEND students are less suitable for them.

Discussions have been held with Riverside staff and governors, Riverside’s co-located school, other special schools, Haringey special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) representatives and a small number of interested parents who have all expressed enthusiasm for the proposal.

Reasons for this proposal

There is both a financial and quality of education need for this provision. It would keep a cohort of very complex-needs students in-borough, reducing expenditure on out-of-borough places with the added benefit of a close link with a flourishing special school with the specialist skills to meet their exceptional and unique learning needs.

This group of students tend to experience a high level of disruption to their education over time, as placements in the current provision on offer in Haringey tend to break down. Providing a specialist department for these very complex students would ensure that SEND students who attend the local provisions, such as Haringey 6th Form and CoHENEL can also have a more dedicated teaching and learning package with staff having a sharper focus on a more contained cohort, removing the requirement on them to try and include ‘exceptional needs’ students.

Existing Premises

The current plan is to locate the new provision on the vacant first floor of the ‘White Hart Lane Learning Centre’ building close to Riverside (just over 100 metres along the road). This is a large space already equipped with classrooms, break-out rooms and assembly spaces. A refurbishment would include the provision of sensory resources to meet the needs of the students concerned. (This choice of premises could change if other equally viable options arise between now and 1 September 2017.)

The new department would have its own separate secure entrance. The use of the Learning Centre would be an effective use of space as it would allow both individual and small group activities, in addition to providing easy access to the nearby Riverside facilities such as the hydrotherapy pool, main hall, creative areas and outside spaces, both during and after the school day. The Learning Centre is also opposite the New River Sports Centre and local parks and shops, allowing students easy access to these local community facilities.

Haringey have recently expanded Riverside’s teaching spaces by building a large new creative arts wing – this will help with any small additional pressures put on Riverside’s building through accommodating students from the new department in the main building.


The students will learn in small groups, placed according to their interests and personally matched with others in the group. The students will follow a curriculum that balances small group and individual time. The curriculum will support the development of communication skills, leisure skills, understanding emotions, dealing with conflict, independence and friendship skills, and preparation for adult life.

The students will use the facilities at Riverside on a flexible timetable to ensure that the key stage 3/4 (11-16) students currently attending Riverside are not disadvantaged through meeting the needs of the new students from the department.

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Page last updated:

September 20, 2018